Graduate Student Advocate
The Graduate Student Advocate (GSA) for the 2024-2025 academic year is Karishma Trejo.
The Graduate Student Advocate can assist graduate students in finding solutions to
challenges and works closely with other units such as the Graduate Student Organization,
the Graduate Dean and the Ombudsman.
About Karishma Trejo
Karishma is currently earning her MBA after graduating from Stony Brook with her degree
in psychology in May 2024. During her time as a undergraduate student she was involved
in Psi Chi Honor Society in Psychology, SBU Wind Ensemble and Residence Hall Association.
As a graduate student, she is currently serving as a Resident Assistant for graduate housing and serving as president of the National Residence Hall Honorary. Karishma is looking forward to connecting with other graduate students and providing support as the Graduate Student Advocate.
Contact Karishma