25th Conference on
"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"
Saturday April 14, 2018
Earth and Space Sciences Building - Stony Brook University
The conference will begin at 9:00 AM and is FREE.
Speakers please note: All presentations will be in Power Point. Please bring your
presentation on a flash drive.
You may not use your laptop.
No need to register. Just show up.
Teachers and professionals may receive contact hours towards professional development.
You can attend for any number of hours.
Everyone is welcome. Especially students.
Each presentation will be 15 minutes.
Authors, Abstracts and Titles to date (04/13/2018)
Title |
Authors |
Affiliation |
9:00 AM |
Title Introduction and The Geoscience Workforce Gap |
Authors G.N. Hanson |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
9:15 AM |
Title Fluoridation and county-level secondary bone cancer among cancer patients in New York State |
Authors N. CrnosijaJ. R. Meliker |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
9:30 AM |
Title Nitrogen transformation and microbial characterization in Removing Biofilters (NRBs) for onsite wastewater treatment on Long Island |
Authors X. MaoS. Waugh R. Price F. Russo C. Gobler H. Walker |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
9:45 AM |
Title Emerging Contaminants in Groundwater on Long Island; |
Authors C. Berardi Tuohy |
Affiliation Arcadis |
10:00 AM |
Title Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in groundwater |
Authors D. Corbett |
Affiliation Arcadis |
10:15 AM |
Title |
Authors D. TonjesP. Nguyen |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
10:30 AM |
Title Groundwater cleanup progress at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY |
Authors D. PaquetteWm. Dorsch R. Howe, V Racaniello J. Burke |
Affiliation Brookhaven National Laboratory |
10:45 AM |
Title Short oral presentations by Poster Presenters |
Authors |
Affiliation |
11:00 AM |
Title Coffee and Snack view posters |
Authors |
Affiliation |
11:30 AM |
Title Update on the status of the NYS Professional Geologist License |
Authors R. Alvey |
Affiliation EPA |
11:45 AM |
Title Shallow Water Quality of Shelter Island, NY.
Authors B. McCarthyI. Fisher K. Colella |
Affiliation USGS Coram |
12:00 PM |
Title Why are plants thriving in woodlands on Stony Brook Campus despite acid rain and acid soil? |
Authors J. HudsonG.N. Hanson |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
12:15 PM |
Title Occurrence of Pebbly Loess on the North and South ForksResearch reports that describe pebbly loess on Long Island and elsewhere |
Authors K. GuercioC. Morrill |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
12:30 PM |
Title Late Glacial to modern evolution of the inner continental shelf south of Long Island |
Authors R.D FloodJ. Lashley I. Dwyer H. Bokuniewicz |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
12:45 PM |
Title Interpreting the Stratigraphic Record of Glacial Readvances Along the Hudson River at Manhattanville, New York City, NY |
Authors C. Moss |
Affiliation MRCE |
1:00 PM |
Title Long Island Subglacial Drainage Patterns Reveal the Direction of Glacial Flow
Authors W. Pacholik |
Affiliation Central Islip HS |
1:15 PM |
Title Challenges of imaging burial sites in glacially-derived sediments using GPRa comparison of GPR results in Montauk and on Shelter Island, showing the challenges of identifying older burial sites in the absence of well-stratified sediments |
Authors N. CrnosijaD. M. Davis A. McGovern S. Lotz V. Kundic |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
1:30 PM |
Title Application of GPR and OSL in interpretation of depositional history of western part of Fire Island, NY |
Authors V. KundicD. M. Davis |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
1:45 PM |
Title GPR studies in chaotic glacial terrain: the Ashley Schiff Preserve, Stony Brooka description of the stark contrast between the well-defined glacial tectonics at other sites and the chaotic signal of hummocky terrain in the Ashley Schiff Preserve, with an interpretation of what the GPR signal can tell us even in such a complex setting |
Authors S. LotzD. M. Davis N. Crnosija V. Kundic |
Affiliation Stony Brook University |
Title |
Authors |
Affiliation |
Poster |
Title Mineralogical Analysis of Indian Rock, a Large Glacial Erratic in Rocky Point, NY |
Authors A. ZovichJ.B. Bennington |
Affiliation S.H. Calhoun HSHofstra University |
Poster |
Title Preliminary Survey of Glacial Deposits Exposed at Hallock State Park Preserve, Mattituck, NY |
Authors A.J. LaBarcaJ.B. Bennington |
Affiliation Syosset HSHofstra University
Poster |
Title Trace Metal Concentration in Soil at Crossroads Farm inMalverne, New York |
Authors A. LewisA. Hampton D. Hsu M. Jason M. Maliszka E.C. Farmer |
Affiliation Hofstra University |
Poster |
Title Sedimentological Characterization of a Core from the Douglas Manor Marsh Using Laser Diffractometry |
Authors L.MunnJ.B. Bennington |
Affiliation Elmont Memorial HSHofstra University |
Immediately after the conference there will be tours through the following labs: