Preliminary Program for Conference on the
"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"
Saturday April 24, 1999
Earth and Space Sciences Building - SUNY Stony Brook
Companies, agencies, schools, universities and colleges are encouraged to display promotional or informational material at the conference at no cost. Inform us by April 20, if you would like to have a display.
We can arrange for you to have a poster or table in the lobby. The poster boards are
eight foot by four foot. You may request any fraction of such a poster board.
Links on Authors Name is to e-mail
Links on Title are to Abstract on the Web
Time |
Title |
Authors |
Affiliation |
Time 8:30 a.m. |
Title Pick up registration materials and View Posters |
Time 9:00 a.m. |
Title Introductory Remarks |
Authors G.N. Hanson |
Affiliation SUSB |
Title Session Chair |
Time 9:15 |
Title |
Authors Janet L. Niebling |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time 9:30 |
Title |
Authors |
Affiliation Hofstra University |
Time 9:45 |
Title |
Authors Pamela Chase Brock |
Affiliation Queens College of CUNY |
Time 10:00 |
Title Tracing the St. Nicholas Thrust and Cameron's Line Through The Bronx, NYC |
Authors Tyrand Fuller |
Affiliation Hofstra University |
Time 10:15 |
Title Preliminary Geophysical Investigation of a Large Scale Magnetic Anomaly in Suffolk County, New York |
Authors Francis D. Winslow III, |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time 10:30 |
Title Coffee and View Posters |
Title Session Chair |
Time 11:00 |
Title Paleocommunities and depositional environments of the Upper Cretaceous Navesink Formation, New Jersey: a report on work-in-progress. |
Authors J Bret Bennington |
Affiliation Hofstra University |
Time 11:15 |
Title Glaciotectonic Processes and Glacigenic Sediments on Eastern Long Island |
Authors Elliot Klein |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time 11:30 |
Title The Hudson Champlain Lobe of the the Laurentide ice sheet and the moraines of western Long Island |
Authors Les Sirkin |
Affiliation Adelphi University |
Time 11:45 |
Title Pleistocene Sediments Newly Exposed near Dobbs Ferry Metro North RR Station, Westchester County, NY |
Authors |
Affiliation Hofstra University |
Time 12 noon |
Title Lunch and View Posters |
Title Session Chair |
Authors Frank Castellano |
Time 1:00 |
Title |
Authors Stephanie B. Gaswirth, Gail M. Ashley, Robert E. Sheridan |
Affiliation Rutgers University |
Time 1:15 |
Title An investigation of shoreline dynamics at Shinnecock Inlet, NY |
Authors Brian Batten |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time 1:30 |
Title |
Authors |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time 1:45 |
Title Trace metal contaminants in surficial bottom sediments of the Hudson River Estuary |
Authors |
Affiliation Brooklyn |
Time 2:00 |
Title Much ado about mercury: Evaluation of treatment options for mercury contaminated soil at BNL |
Authors Paul K. Boyce |
Affiliation P.W. Grosser Consult. |
Time 2:15 |
Title Coffee and View Posters |
Title Session Chair |
Time 2:45 |
Title |
Authors David Tonjes |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time 3:00 |
Title |
Authors Chris Schubert |
Affiliation USGS Coram, NY |
Time 3:15 |
Title |
Authors Craig J. Brown |
Affiliation USGS Coram, NY |
Time 3:30 |
Title Applications of Suffolk County's finite element groundwater model |
Authors |
Affiliation Suffolk Co. Health |
Time 3:45 |
Title End of Oral Presentations. View Posters |
Time 4:30 |
Title End of Conference |
Time Poster |
Title Much ado about mercury: Evaluation of treatment options for mercury contaminated soil @ BNL |
Authors Paul K. Boyce |
Affiliation P.W. Grosser Consult. |
Time Poster |
Title |
Authors Gail Bennington |
Affiliation Oceanside H.S. |
Time Poster |
Title |
Authors Vicki Lynn Ferrini |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time Poster |
Title |
Authors Daniel O'Rourke |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time Poster |
Title GIS-based shoreline recession analysis on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan |
Authors W. W. Montgomery1 |
Affiliation 1New Jersey City University |
Time Poster |
Title |
Authors |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time Poster |
Title |
Authors |
Affiliation Hofstra University |
Time Poster |
Title |
Authors Linda Selvaggio |
Affiliation SUNY Stony Brook |
Time Poster |
Title The Gamma Forest at Brookhaven National Laboratory: A model for depicting geobotanical data. |
Authors |
Affiliation Smithown H.S. - SCC Summer Field Program |
Time Poster |
Title Ground-water flow modeling at the Port Washington L-4 Landfill superfund site |
Authors Keith A. White |
Affiliation Blasland, Bouck & Lee, Inc. |