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"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"
Saturday April 22, 1995
Earth and Space Sciences Building - SUNY Stony Brook
Time | Title | Authors | Affiliation |
Time8:45 | TitlePick up registration materials, View posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time9:30 | TitleIntroductory remarks | AuthorsGilbert N. Hanson | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time9:40 | TitleProvenance of Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of southwestern New England | AuthorsBarbara Bock S.M. McLennan G.N. Hanson |
AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time10:20 | TitleNE-, not SE-, directed paleoflow of the Palisades magma north of Staten Island, New York - new evidence from xenoliths and contact relationships | AuthorsCharles Merguerian, John E. Sanders |
AffiliationHofstra University |
Time10:40 | TitleLate syn-intrusive clastic dikes at the base of the Palisades intrusive sheet, Fort Lee, NJ, imply a shallow (about 3 to 4 km) depth of intrusion | AuthorsCharles Merguerian John E. Sanders |
AffiliationHofstra University |
Time10:40 | TitleBreak, View posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time11:00 | TitleRecumbent fold in displaced slab of Upper Cretaceous sediments, Princes Bay, Staten Island, New York: Further evidence that ice flowing southeastward deposited the Harbor Hill Moraine | AuthorsJohn E. Sanders, Charles Merguerian, | AffiliationHofstra University |
TimeSteven C. Okulewicz | TitleCollege of Staten Island | ||
Time11:20 | TitleEvaluation of superimposed drift sheets, Port Jefferson, NY - Stratigraphic and ground-water flow implications | AuthorsKurtis W. Stokes | AffiliationLaw Environmental, Inc. |
TimeLes Sirkin | TitleAdelphi University | ||
Time11:40 | TitleREE chemistry of Pleistocene silt and sand, Setauket, Long Island | AuthorsSteven M Lev | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time12:00 | TitleLunch, View posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time1:00 | TitleEvidence for pre-Woodfordian ages of Long Island's terminal moraines | AuthorsJohn E. Sanders, Charles Merguerian |
AffiliationHofstra University |
Time1:20 | TitleThe computer morphology and geomorphology of the natural opening and artificial closing of Little Pike's Inlet at Westhampton Beach, Long Island | AuthorsFred Mushacke | AffiliationNew York State DEC |
TimeFred Wolff | TitleHofstra University | ||
Time1:40 | TitleSeismic stratigraphy in southern Long Island Sound: the role of lateral tranport in clinoform development | AuthorsRoger D. Flood | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time2:00 | TitleDeglaciation of Eastern Long Island: The terminal moraine, recessional moraines, outwash, proglacial lakes and meltwater channels | AuthorsLes Sirkin | AffiliationAdelphi University |
Time2:20 | TitleEvaluation of background metal concentrations | AuthorsRichard J. Baldwin | AffiliationH2M Group |
Time2:40 | TitleBreak, View posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time3:00 | TitleApplications of ground-water modeling in Kings and Queens Counties, New York | AuthorsPaul E. Misut E. R. McNew Cartwright Christopher E. Schubert Jack Monti Jr. Anthony Chu |
AffiliationUSGS Coram |
Time3:20 | TitleDelineation of the saltwater-freshwater interface at selected locations in Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, through use of borehole geophysical techniques | AuthorsAnthony Chu, Frederick Stumm |
AffiliationUSGS Coram |
Time3:40 | TitleBromide in Long Island groundwaters and surface waters | AuthorsMartin A. A. Schoonen, Vikki Devoe Craig J. Brown |
AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time4:00 | TitleEffects of road salting on stormwater and ground-water quality at the East Meadow Brook headwaters area, Nassau County, Long Island, NY | AuthorsCraig J. Brown Michael P. Scorca |
AffiliationUSGS Coram |
Time4:20 | TitleView posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time5:00 | TitleEnd of conference | Authors | Affiliation |
TimePoster | TitleUtilizing analog groundwater flow models to illustrate and experiment with principles of groundwater | AuthorsAndrew Leonard | AffiliationWest Islip School District |
TimePoster | TitleLong Island: A learning laboratory for earth and environmental sciences | AuthorsGlenn Richard | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
TimePoster | TitleA particle tracking study of the Peconic River watershed, Long Island, NY | AuthorsPawel Dziedzic | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
TimeStanislaw Stasko | TitleWroclaw University | ||
TimeMartin Schoonen | TitleSUNY Stony Brook |