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"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"

Saturday April 22, 1995 

Earth and Space Sciences Building - SUNY Stony Brook



Time Title Authors Affiliation
Time8:45 TitlePick up registration materials, View posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time9:30 TitleIntroductory remarks AuthorsGilbert N. Hanson AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time9:40 TitleProvenance of Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of southwestern New England AuthorsBarbara Bock

S.M. McLennan

G.N. Hanson

AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time10:20 TitleNE-, not SE-, directed paleoflow of the Palisades magma north of Staten Island, New York - new evidence from xenoliths and contact relationships AuthorsCharles Merguerian,

John E. Sanders

AffiliationHofstra University
Time10:40 TitleLate syn-intrusive clastic dikes at the base of the Palisades intrusive sheet, Fort Lee, NJ, imply a shallow (about 3 to 4 km) depth of intrusion AuthorsCharles Merguerian

John E. Sanders

AffiliationHofstra University
Time10:40 TitleBreak, View posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time11:00 TitleRecumbent fold in displaced slab of Upper Cretaceous sediments, Princes Bay, Staten Island, New York: Further evidence that ice flowing southeastward deposited the Harbor Hill Moraine AuthorsJohn E. Sanders, Charles Merguerian, AffiliationHofstra University
TimeSteven C. Okulewicz TitleCollege of Staten Island
Time11:20 TitleEvaluation of superimposed drift sheets, Port Jefferson, NY - Stratigraphic and ground-water flow implications AuthorsKurtis W. Stokes AffiliationLaw Environmental, Inc.
TimeLes Sirkin TitleAdelphi University
Time11:40 TitleREE chemistry of Pleistocene silt and sand, Setauket, Long Island AuthorsSteven M Lev AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time12:00 TitleLunch, View posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time1:00 TitleEvidence for pre-Woodfordian ages of Long Island's terminal moraines AuthorsJohn E. Sanders,

Charles Merguerian

AffiliationHofstra University
Time1:20 TitleThe computer morphology and geomorphology of the natural opening and artificial closing of Little Pike's Inlet at Westhampton Beach, Long Island AuthorsFred Mushacke AffiliationNew York State DEC
TimeFred Wolff TitleHofstra University
Time1:40 TitleSeismic stratigraphy in southern Long Island Sound: the role of lateral tranport in clinoform development AuthorsRoger D. Flood AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time2:00 TitleDeglaciation of Eastern Long Island: The terminal moraine, recessional moraines, outwash, proglacial lakes and meltwater channels AuthorsLes Sirkin AffiliationAdelphi University
Time2:20 TitleEvaluation of background metal concentrations AuthorsRichard J. Baldwin AffiliationH2M Group
Time2:40 TitleBreak, View posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time3:00 TitleApplications of ground-water modeling in Kings and Queens Counties, New York AuthorsPaul E. Misut

E. R. McNew Cartwright

Christopher E. Schubert

Jack Monti Jr.

Anthony Chu

AffiliationUSGS Coram
Time3:20 TitleDelineation of the saltwater-freshwater interface at selected locations in Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, through use of borehole geophysical techniques AuthorsAnthony Chu,

Frederick Stumm

AffiliationUSGS Coram
Time3:40 TitleBromide in Long Island groundwaters and surface waters AuthorsMartin A. A. Schoonen,

Vikki Devoe

Craig J. Brown

AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time4:00 TitleEffects of road salting on stormwater and ground-water quality at the East Meadow Brook headwaters area, Nassau County, Long Island, NY AuthorsCraig J. Brown

Michael P. Scorca

AffiliationUSGS Coram
Time4:20 TitleView posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time5:00 TitleEnd of conference Authors  Affiliation 
TimePoster TitleUtilizing analog groundwater flow models to illustrate and experiment with principles of groundwater AuthorsAndrew Leonard AffiliationWest Islip School District
TimePoster TitleLong Island: A learning laboratory for earth and environmental sciences AuthorsGlenn Richard AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
TimePoster TitleA particle tracking study of the Peconic River watershed, Long Island, NY AuthorsPawel Dziedzic AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
TimeStanislaw Stasko TitleWroclaw University
TimeMartin Schoonen TitleSUNY Stony Brook