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"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"

Saturday April 23, 1994 

Earth and Space Sciences Building - SUNY Stony Brook

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Time Title Authors Affiliation
Time8:30 a.m. TitlePick up registration materials, View posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time9:00 a.m. TitleIntroductory remarks AuthorsGilbert N. Hanson AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time9:05 a.m. TitleGeology of the Long Island platform AuthorsLes Sirkin AffiliationAdelphi University
Time9:30 a.m. TitleStratigraphy, structural geology, and ductile- brittle faults of the New York City area AuthorsCharles Merguerian AffiliationHofstra University
Time9:45 a.m. TitlePost-Newark folds and faults: implications for geologic history of the Newark basin AuthorsCharles Merguerian, J.E. Sanders AffiliationHofstra University
Time10:00 a.m. TitleGeochronology of southwestern Connecticut AuthorsAntonio Lanzirotti, James Sevigny
Gilbert N. Hanson
AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time10:15 a.m. TitleGeochemistry of the amphibolites of Central Park, New York City AuthorsJ.C. Eicher, D.M. Ageitos, F.C. Seeber, C.H. Kaplan, S.G. Buehler, J.H. Puffer AffiliationRutgers University, Newark
Time10:30 a.m. TitleBreak, View posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time11:00 a.m. TitleFitting newly discovered north-shore Gilbert-type lacustrine deltas into a revised Pleistocene chronology of Long Island AuthorsJ.E. Sanders, Charles Merguerian AffiliationHofstra University
Time11:15 a.m. TitleWading River - The evolution and ecology of a North Shore embayment and adjacent pre-historic Indian sites AuthorsHerbert C. Mills AffiliationNassau County Museum
Time11:30 a.m. TitleThe role of the shoreface in providing beneficial effects from washovers, inlet breaches (as Little Pike's Inlet) and barrier island preservation through migration AuthorsFred Wolff AffiliationHofstra University
Time11:45 a.m. TitleThe effect of barrier island morphology on the environment of the back bay at Westhampton beach AuthorsDaniel Conley AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time12:00 TitleLunch, View posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time1:00 p.m. TitleA geomorphic analysis suggesting the origin of the migrating dunes at Napeague, NY AuthorsPatricia E. Dubecky AffiliationSuffolk Community College
TimeThomas J. Maher TitleCollege of Charleston
Time1:15 p.m. TitlePeak storm-tide elevations produced by the December 1992 storm along the coast of Long Island, New York, with historical peak storm-tide elevations AuthorsChristopher E. Schubert

Ronald Busciolano

AffiliationU.S.G.S. Syosset
Time1:30 p.m. TitleThe chemical composition of precipitation in the Peconic River watershed AuthorsJohn Proios, Martin Schoonen AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time1:45 p.m. TitleThe effects of a rain storm upon the major chemical constituents of the Peconic River AuthorsJohn Choynowski, Martin Schoonen AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time2:00 p.m. TitleThe hydrogeochemistry of the Peconic River watershed: a quantitative approach to estimate the anthropogenic loadings in the watershed AuthorsMartin A.A. Schoonen,

Craig Brown

AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time2:15 p.m. TitleDelineation of the hydrogeologic framework and saltwater intrusion of the Great Neck Peninsula, Long Island, New York by use of geologic, hydrologic and geophysical methods AuthorsFrederick Stumm, Andrew Lange AffiliationU.S. G.S. Syosset
Time2:30 p.m. TitleBreak, View posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time3:00 p.m. TitleIron reactions in the Magothy and Upper Glacial aquifers of Suffolk County, Long Island AuthorsCraig J. Brown AffiliationU.S.G.S. Syosset
TimeMartin A.A. Schoonen TitleSUNY Stony Brook
Time3:15 p.m. TitleIron oxidation and iron bacteria formation in municipal production wells in Suffolk County, New York AuthorsSteven R. Colabufo AffiliationSuffolk Co. Water Authority
TimeMartin A.A. Schoonen TitleSUNY Stony Brook
Time3:30 p.m. TitleUnderstanding 1993 groundwater conditions at the Town of Brookhaven landfill through sliding stiff diagrams AuthorsDavid J. Tonjes AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
TimeJohn Black TitleSuffolk Community College
TimeJames Heil TitleTown of Brookhaven
Time3:45 p.m. TitleHydraulic Conductivity, porosity, and particle size distribution of core samples of the upper glacier aquifer Laboratory observation AuthorsJohnson N. Olanrewaju

Teng-fong Wong

AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Time4:00 p.m. TitleDistribution of phagotrophic dinoflagellate species in anthropogenically contaminated sediment of Huntington Harbor AuthorsDaniel Habib

Fa Tien Shia

AffiliationQueens College CUNY
Time4:15 p.m. TitleGeorgica Pond water management issues AuthorsDrew Bennett AffiliationCamp, Dresser & McKee
Time4:30 TitleView posters Authors  Affiliation 
Time5:30 p.m. TitleEnd of conference Authors  Affiliation 
Timeposter TitleSome impacts of the December "92 Nor'easter along the Long Island coast AuthorsH. Bokuniewicz, K. Sakson AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Timeposter TitleRockhounding at Orient's public beach AuthorsSharon Kelly AffiliationSuffolk Gem & Mineral Soc.
Timeposter TitleBiochemistry of the Calverton Ponds, Suffolk County AuthorsChristine Kovari

Martin A.A. Schoonen

AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Timeposter TitleUse of Tritium-3Helium groundwater dating technique to estimate migration rates of volatile organic compounds in an unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifer system AuthorsJanakiram R. Naidu AffiliationBrookhaven National Lab.
Timeposter TitleHydrogeology of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY AuthorsDouglas E. Patchett AffiliationBrookhaven National Lab.
Timeposter TitleA hydrological study of the effects of urban development on storm runoff: A case study in Queens, New York AuthorsMonica Tsang-Rakovan, K. J. Phillips, Kalid Bajwa, John Ferrelli AffiliationFanning, Phillips & Molnar

New York City Transit Auth.

Timeposter TitleUse of Long Island as a geological laboratory for K-12 earth science education AuthorsGlenn A. Richard, Karen Lutzer AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook
Timeposter TitleBuried, anomalously deep V-shaped valley in bedrock surface, New Haven Harbor, CT AuthorsJ.E. Sanders AffiliationHofstra University
TimeAbstract only TitleGeochemistry of the schists of Central Park, New York City AuthorsJ.H. Puffer, D.M. Ageitos, S.C. Buehler, J.C. Eicher, C.H. Kaplan, F.C. Seeber AffiliationRutgers University, Newark
TimeAbstract only TitleComparison of hydraulic conductivity values determined by aquifer tests, specific capacity tests, slug tests and grain size analysis AuthorsThomas P. Doriski, Stephanie Davis, Monica Tsang-Rakovan

Sadrul Hussain

AffiliationFanning, Phillips & Molnar

New York City Transit Auth.