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"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"
Saturday April 23, 1994
Earth and Space Sciences Building - SUNY Stony Brook
Time | Title | Authors | Affiliation |
Time8:30 a.m. | TitlePick up registration materials, View posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time9:00 a.m. | TitleIntroductory remarks | AuthorsGilbert N. Hanson | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time9:05 a.m. | TitleGeology of the Long Island platform | AuthorsLes Sirkin | AffiliationAdelphi University |
Time9:30 a.m. | TitleStratigraphy, structural geology, and ductile- brittle faults of the New York City area | AuthorsCharles Merguerian | AffiliationHofstra University |
Time9:45 a.m. | TitlePost-Newark folds and faults: implications for geologic history of the Newark basin | AuthorsCharles Merguerian, J.E. Sanders | AffiliationHofstra University |
Time10:00 a.m. | TitleGeochronology of southwestern Connecticut | AuthorsAntonio Lanzirotti, James Sevigny Gilbert N. Hanson |
AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time10:15 a.m. | TitleGeochemistry of the amphibolites of Central Park, New York City | AuthorsJ.C. Eicher, D.M. Ageitos, F.C. Seeber, C.H. Kaplan, S.G. Buehler, J.H. Puffer | AffiliationRutgers University, Newark |
Time10:30 a.m. | TitleBreak, View posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time11:00 a.m. | TitleFitting newly discovered north-shore Gilbert-type lacustrine deltas into a revised Pleistocene chronology of Long Island | AuthorsJ.E. Sanders, Charles Merguerian | AffiliationHofstra University |
Time11:15 a.m. | TitleWading River - The evolution and ecology of a North Shore embayment and adjacent pre-historic Indian sites | AuthorsHerbert C. Mills | AffiliationNassau County Museum |
Time11:30 a.m. | TitleThe role of the shoreface in providing beneficial effects from washovers, inlet breaches (as Little Pike's Inlet) and barrier island preservation through migration | AuthorsFred Wolff | AffiliationHofstra University |
Time11:45 a.m. | TitleThe effect of barrier island morphology on the environment of the back bay at Westhampton beach | AuthorsDaniel Conley | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time12:00 | TitleLunch, View posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time1:00 p.m. | TitleA geomorphic analysis suggesting the origin of the migrating dunes at Napeague, NY | AuthorsPatricia E. Dubecky | AffiliationSuffolk Community College |
TimeThomas J. Maher | TitleCollege of Charleston | ||
Time1:15 p.m. | TitlePeak storm-tide elevations produced by the December 1992 storm along the coast of Long Island, New York, with historical peak storm-tide elevations | AuthorsChristopher E. Schubert Ronald Busciolano |
AffiliationU.S.G.S. Syosset |
Time1:30 p.m. | TitleThe chemical composition of precipitation in the Peconic River watershed | AuthorsJohn Proios, Martin Schoonen | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time1:45 p.m. | TitleThe effects of a rain storm upon the major chemical constituents of the Peconic River | AuthorsJohn Choynowski, Martin Schoonen | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time2:00 p.m. | TitleThe hydrogeochemistry of the Peconic River watershed: a quantitative approach to estimate the anthropogenic loadings in the watershed | AuthorsMartin A.A. Schoonen, Craig Brown |
AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time2:15 p.m. | TitleDelineation of the hydrogeologic framework and saltwater intrusion of the Great Neck Peninsula, Long Island, New York by use of geologic, hydrologic and geophysical methods | AuthorsFrederick Stumm, Andrew Lange | AffiliationU.S. G.S. Syosset |
Time2:30 p.m. | TitleBreak, View posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time3:00 p.m. | TitleIron reactions in the Magothy and Upper Glacial aquifers of Suffolk County, Long Island | AuthorsCraig J. Brown | AffiliationU.S.G.S. Syosset |
TimeMartin A.A. Schoonen | TitleSUNY Stony Brook | ||
Time3:15 p.m. | TitleIron oxidation and iron bacteria formation in municipal production wells in Suffolk County, New York | AuthorsSteven R. Colabufo | AffiliationSuffolk Co. Water Authority |
TimeMartin A.A. Schoonen | TitleSUNY Stony Brook | ||
Time3:30 p.m. | TitleUnderstanding 1993 groundwater conditions at the Town of Brookhaven landfill through sliding stiff diagrams | AuthorsDavid J. Tonjes | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
TimeJohn Black | TitleSuffolk Community College | ||
TimeJames Heil | TitleTown of Brookhaven | ||
Time3:45 p.m. | TitleHydraulic Conductivity, porosity, and particle size distribution of core samples of the upper glacier aquifer Laboratory observation | AuthorsJohnson N. Olanrewaju Teng-fong Wong |
AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Time4:00 p.m. | TitleDistribution of phagotrophic dinoflagellate species in anthropogenically contaminated sediment of Huntington Harbor | AuthorsDaniel Habib Fa Tien Shia |
AffiliationQueens College CUNY |
Time4:15 p.m. | TitleGeorgica Pond water management issues | AuthorsDrew Bennett | AffiliationCamp, Dresser & McKee |
Time4:30 | TitleView posters | Authors | Affiliation |
Time5:30 p.m. | TitleEnd of conference | Authors | Affiliation |
Timeposter | TitleSome impacts of the December "92 Nor'easter along the Long Island coast | AuthorsH. Bokuniewicz, K. Sakson | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Timeposter | TitleRockhounding at Orient's public beach | AuthorsSharon Kelly | AffiliationSuffolk Gem & Mineral Soc. |
Timeposter | TitleBiochemistry of the Calverton Ponds, Suffolk County | AuthorsChristine Kovari Martin A.A. Schoonen |
AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Timeposter | TitleUse of Tritium-3Helium groundwater dating technique to estimate migration rates of volatile organic compounds in an unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifer system | AuthorsJanakiram R. Naidu | AffiliationBrookhaven National Lab. |
Timeposter | TitleHydrogeology of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY | AuthorsDouglas E. Patchett | AffiliationBrookhaven National Lab. |
Timeposter | TitleA hydrological study of the effects of urban development on storm runoff: A case study in Queens, New York | AuthorsMonica Tsang-Rakovan, K. J. Phillips, Kalid Bajwa, John Ferrelli | AffiliationFanning, Phillips & Molnar New York City Transit Auth. |
Timeposter | TitleUse of Long Island as a geological laboratory for K-12 earth science education | AuthorsGlenn A. Richard, Karen Lutzer | AffiliationSUNY Stony Brook |
Timeposter | TitleBuried, anomalously deep V-shaped valley in bedrock surface, New Haven Harbor, CT | AuthorsJ.E. Sanders | AffiliationHofstra University |
TimeAbstract only | TitleGeochemistry of the schists of Central Park, New York City | AuthorsJ.H. Puffer, D.M. Ageitos, S.C. Buehler, J.C. Eicher, C.H. Kaplan, F.C. Seeber | AffiliationRutgers University, Newark |
TimeAbstract only | TitleComparison of hydraulic conductivity values determined by aquifer tests, specific capacity tests, slug tests and grain size analysis | AuthorsThomas P. Doriski, Stephanie Davis, Monica Tsang-Rakovan Sadrul Hussain |
AffiliationFanning, Phillips & Molnar New York City Transit Auth. |