December Commencement Update
Dear Stony Brook University Community,
One of the most important traditions at any university is our commencement ceremony. This is a momentous occasion, where we celebrate our students’ achievements as part of our community and cheer them on as they embark on the next phase of their lives and careers. Given the significance of this ceremony, we are committed to making this as memorable an event as possible.
Going forward, Stony Brook will host one university-wide commencement ceremony and one doctoral hooding ceremony each year, in the spring. This will allow us to invest maximum effort and resources into these signature events hosted by the university each year. Schools and colleges will continue to host their personalized department convocations the week of spring commencement.
This does mean that the university will no longer host a December commencement and December hooding ceremony. We have adjusted eligibility requirements so that students can participate in the spring ceremony if they have graduated in the summer or fall before the ceremony or anticipate graduating in the summer or fall after a spring ceremony. This will ensure students will not have to travel back after their graduation to participate in commencement.
All students who have already applied for Spring 2023 commencement remain eligible to attend.
We have created a set of FAQs to answer Undergraduate, Graduate, and PhD students questions available at this link.
I look forward to seeing our commencement ceremony grow and evolve as a signature tradition in the Stony Brook experience.
Carl Lejuez
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs