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2019 Expert Speakers
CEWIT2019 features a strong program of speakers who are experts in their field, and who will share their cutting-edge research and ideas with attendees.
- Pekka Abrahamsson, PhDProfessor of Information Systems and Software EngineeringUniversity of JyväskyläExpertise & Interests Dr. Abrahamsson is the co-founder of the Software Startup Research Network (SSRN) and a seasoned expert in leading international research projects.
- Ambassador Ido AharoniGlobal Distringuished Professor, PrincipalNYU, Emerson Rigby Ltd.Expertise & Interests Ambassador Ido Aharon is a Global Distinguished Professor at NYU, a Member of International Advisory Council, APCO Worldwide, a 25-year veteran of Israel’s Foreign service, and is a co-founder and Principal at Emerson Rigby.
- Ali Asmari, PhDProgram Manager- Robotics Roadworks and Excavation SystemsULC Robotics Expertise & Interests Dr. Asmari focus is on A.I., machine learning, Computer vision and robotics.
- Peter Beling, PhDDistringuished ProfessorUniversity of VirginiaExpertise & Interests Dr. Beling’s research interests are in the area of decision-making in complex systems, with emphasis on adaptive decision support systems and on model-based approaches to system-of-systems design and assessment.
- Voramon Deeradhada, PhDSenior Materials ScientistGE Global ResearchExpertise & Interests Her areas of expertise include high temperature structural materials for aerospace and power generation, additive manufacturing, thermodynamic, metallic coatings, characterization, and machine learning.
- James Xiaojiang Du, PhDProfessor & Director of Security and Networking (SAN) LabTemple UniversityExpertise & Interests Dr. Xiaojiang Du's research interests are security, wireless networks, and systems. He won the best paper award at IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 and the best poster runner-up award at the ACM MobiHoc 2014.
- Achille FokouePrincipal Research Staff Member and Master InventorIBMExpertise & Interests Mr. Fokoue has lead various research efforts on applying machine learning and knowledge representation and reasoning in many domains.
- Raju Gottumukkala, PhDDirector of Research of Informatics Research Institute & ProfessorUniversity of Louisiana LafayetteExpertise & Interests Dr. Gottumukkala's research interests are in the areas of cyber-physical systems, distributed computing and data mining.
- Dan HolewienkoExecutive Director, Big Data and Business IntelligenceHenry Schein Inc.Expertise & Interests Mr. Holewienko has 20+ year experienced Technology Executive in the Healthcare, Financial Services, Media, Education, and Retail industries.
- Florence D. Hudson Founder, CEOFD Hint, LLC Expertise & Interests Ms. Hudson's areas of expertise include artificial intelligence, big data & analytics, blockchain, connected healthcare, cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT), and Smart Cities.
- Joseph Jankowski, PhDSenior Advisor to the Chief Innovation OfficerHenry Ford Health SystemExpertise & Interests Dr. Jankowski's interests are in innovation and entrepreneurship space, biomedical opportunity and healthcare infrastructure.
- Shantenu Jha, PhDChair, Center for Data Driven DiscoveryBrookhaven National LaboratoryExpertise & Interests Mr. Jha's research interests are at the intersection of high-performance distributed computing and computational & data science.
- Pat Narendra, PhDProduct & Solution Strategy and InnovationZebra TechnologiesExpertise & Interests Mr. Narendra has a PhD in EE/CS from Purdue University (his thesis on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning resulted in over a dozen refereed journal articles with over 4000 citations) and spent his early career in computer vision and signal processing research in Honeywell.
- Steve RogersVice President Blockchain Initiatives for Supply Chain Platform Services IBM Expertise & Interests Mr. Rogers has been working at IBM for more than 30 years. He become VP of Supply Chain Transformation and shortly after the VP of Blockchain Insitatives for Supply Chain Platform Services.
- Steve Skiena, PhDProfessor, Director of the Institute for AI-Driven Discovery and InnovationStony Brook UniversityExpertise & Interests Professor Skiena's research interests include the design of graph, string, and geometric algorithms, and their applications (particularly to biology).
- Hidekazu Taoka, PhDExecutive Director of Corporate DivisionDOCOMO Healthcare, Inc.Expertise & Interests Mr. Taoka has played a leading role in identifying the fifth-generation (5G) key technologies in a project in which more than 20 partners participated throughout EU.
- Tomi TeikkoFounder & AdvisorTieto CorporationExpertise & Interests Mr. Teikko's interests include empathic reality, IoT, human behavior vs. digitalization and music.
- Dan Wang, PhDAssociate ProfessorThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityExpertise & Interests Mr. Wang is an expert in computer networking, and he is recently working in the inter-discipline domains of smart energy systems, industry 4.0.
Panel Moderated by The New York Academy of Sciences
A.I. and Climate Change: Improving Prediction, Measuring Impact, and Driving Adaptation
Dr. Jennifer Costley- The New York Academy of Sciences
Dr. Minghua Zhang- Provost, Stony Brook University
Kerstin Kleese Van Dam- Brookhaven National Lab
Dr. David Rolnick- University of Pennsylvania