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Diversity Funding by Goals: 2019-20
Goal 1
Improve the diversity of the Stony Brook Community through enhanced recruitment and retention.
Activity | Lead | FY 19/20 Allocated | Source |
ActivityRecruitment of URM students-scholarships and yield activities | LeadAdmissions | FY 19/20 Allocated$165,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityCIE recruitment at national meetings, schools w large URM UG populations in an effort to increase activity outside of the STEM fields | Lead Sperzel | FY 19/20 Allocated$7,500 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityOpportunity Hires (Faculty) | LeadKaushansky, Zhang | FY 19/20 Allocated$458,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityTextio software, payroll work, microsites, omnibus ads, job fairs, new employee transition process | LeadHRS, Jenn Rossler | FY 19/20 Allocated $155,800 | SourceDiversity |
Goal 2
Expand educational, research, healthcare and other efforts to ensure that Stony Brook students have the ability to thrive as members of the campus community and as global citizens in a diverse society.
Activity | Lead | FY 19/20 Allocated | Source |
ActivityOnline and in person mentoring program for international students, immigration clinic, tax clinic, & English Language services | LeadGlobal Affairs | FY 19/20 Allocated$50,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivitySupport WISE, I-STEM Institute & CIE to develop a Mentoring Program Community Building Workshop for mentees (100 – in 1st 2 years of WISE Honors Program) and their mentors (25 students in the last year of the WISE Honors program or female grad students) | LeadMonica Bugallo | FY 19/20 Allocated$35,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityDevelop & implement a course on “Leadership and Mentoring in the STEM Disciplines” for female grad students in STEM disciplines. Pilot offering to 50 students | LeadMonica Bugallo | FY 19/20 Allocated$20,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityPreparing Future Faculty conference | LeadBhatia/Carter/Williams/Wertheimer | FY 19/20 Allocated$35,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivitySupport for Long Island Latino Teachers Association conference at SBU for male and female high school leaders | LeadOffice of Community Affairs | FY 19/20 Allocated$2,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityWriting contest, gender initiative, HFS Club support | LeadOffice of the President | FY 19/20 Allocated$10,000 | SourceOffice of the President |
ActivityIntern support to assist with developing community connections, maintaining Brookology and organizing Communiversity Day | LeadJoan Dickinson | FY 19/20 Allocated$18,750 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityPipeline Program for URM college and high school students | LeadOpoku Busia | FY 19/20 Allocated $10,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityLeadership development for student affinity groups | LeadCDO/Cheryl Chambers | FY 19/20 Allocated $20,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityExpand the number of slots for SBU undergraduates to prepare for medical school admission | LeadInel Lewis | FY 19/20 Allocated $50,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityProvide funding for the purchase of books and author travel expenses/honorarium | LeadShelley Germana | FY 19/20 Allocated $65,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityInternships in DoIT for URM students | LeadDoIT | FY 19/20 Allocated$22,500 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityProvide a workshop for EOP, SAAB, and SAAS, and LACCS students to inspire them to pursue STEM fields | LeadTracey Walters | FY 19/20 Allocated $3,500 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityScholarships/conference fees | LeadProvost | FY 19/20 Allocated $4,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityTransition to post-college life | LeadProvost | FY 19/20 Allocated $2,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityCultivating Community Engagement | LeadSnyder/Adelson | FY 19/20 Allocated $3,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityHomeless/Housing Insecurity Initiative for SBU Students | LeadCorbett | FY 19/20 Allocated $7,500 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityDevelopment of Military Ally Program | LeadPfeil | FY 19/20 Allocated $2,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityURM Student Programming in Career Services | LeadDixon/Zalewski | FY 19/20 Allocated $39,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityHigher Education Fellows in Training (HEFT) program to ensure a diverse pipeline for student affars careers | LeadDuffy | FY 19/20 Allocated $8,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityDevelopment of private lactation spaces. | LeadSnyder | FY 19/20 Allocated $17,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityAGEP-T LI Frame Project | LeadSperzel | FY 19/20 Allocated $15,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityDevelopment of DEI Workshop | LeadAlda Center | FY 19/20 Allocated $25,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityMatching funds for career guidance pilot grant to support career training and internships for STEM graduate students (will support URM participants) | LeadKathleen Flint Ehm/Dir IREP Office | FY 19/20 Allocated $2,500 | SourceDiversity |
Goal 3
Support the development of a campus climate that values diversity, equity and inclusion in a way that promotes the ability of members of the community to thrive and to achieve their individual goals.
Activity | Lead | FY 19/20 Allocated | Source |
ActivityDevelopment of a new photo library for representation of diversity in campus publications | LeadCommunications | FY 19/20 Allocated$8,575 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityLeadership Fund to encourage faculty and staff to attend leadership conferences, fellowships | LeadGreiman, Kaushansky, Zhang | FY 19/20 Allocated$40,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityMake connections wih URM faculty through professional organizations and conferences and provide funding for up to 3 years of support for URM/Female STEM faculty at mid-career level to aid in retention. Available for summer salary, research, grad students, travel, etc. | LeadCDO, Bhatia | FY 19/20 Allocated$25,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityImprove microsite employment platforms to create higher visibility and show our commitment to diversity, veterans and people with disabilities | LeadHRS/Lin Tiedermann | FY 19/20 Allocated | SourceDiversity |
Activity Building Culturally Competent Workforce | LeadCDO | FY 19/20 Allocated$45,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivitySeminars, heritage month activities, training, workshops | LeadCDO | FY 19/20 Allocated$147,855 | SourceDiversity |
ActivitySupports speakers on diversity and inclusion topics | LeadProvost/Judith Lochhead/CDO | FY 19/20 Allocated $16,280 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityCollaborate with various offices to invite diversity experts to provide professional development presentations | LeadCDO/Campus Partners | FY 19/20 Allocated $30,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityDevelop an internship for URM students to become athletic administrators | LeadCourtney Rickard | FY 19/20 Allocated $50,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityCultural awareness training for 1st year EOP | LeadProvost | FY 19/20 Allocated $500 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityCULTIVATE: Humanizing an Intentional Multicultural Experience for Professionals of Color | LeadSingletary/Rivera | FY 19/20 Allocated $14,130 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityStrategic plan and research on best practices for supporting URM faculty in cluster hires | LeadMondros, Gropack, Wysocki | FY 19/20 Allocated $15,000 | SourceDiversity |
ActivityBring SUNY SAIL Program on fostering diversity and supporting diverse leaders to CAS Chair Wworkshop | LeadSampson, Lochead | FY 19/20 Allocated $10,500 | SourceDiversity |
Goal 4
Establish a culture of accountability and assessment around diversity and inclusion initiatives and policies.
Activity | Lead | FY 19/20 Allocated | Source |
ActivityAdminister and analyze climate survey of staff | LeadInstitutional Research | FY 19/20 Allocated$4,290 | SourceDiversity |
Diversity Funding Total | $1,660,180 | ||
Added base funding for EOP/AIM | Diversity Funding TotalFinance | $1,660,180$250,000 | Base Funding |
Added base funding for Turner Fellowship Support | Diversity Funding TotalGraduate School | $1,660,180$50,000 | Base Funding |
Paid by Gov and Community Relations Account | Diversity Funding TotalComm Relations | $1,660,180$55,000 | Base Funding |
Base funding for salary | Diversity Funding TotalOffice of President | $1,660,180$215,000 | Base Funding |
Seawolves Country video development | Diversity Funding TotalComm Relations | $1,660,180$15,000 | Base Funding |
Base funding for salary of Asst. CDO | Diversity Funding TotalOffice of President | $1,660,180$120,000 | Base Funding |
Diversity Funding TotalBase Funding Total | $1,660,180$705,000 | ||
Diversity Funding TotalTotal Funding | $1,660,180$2,365,180 |