Welcome to the CBC
Dare to BE Creative: The Campus Beautification Committee (CBC) spread its wings and took flight in September 2023 with the unveiling of its first student-commissioned work of art. From one side of
campus to another, the CBC is busy turning all corners of Stony Brook into works of
student-created, community-driven works of art that embody the group's ethos of inclusion,
belonging, pride and purpose.
You can join us in our mission by recommending a project, proposing your own art (or
someone else's), mentoring a student or volunteering your time and expertise as a
member of our planning committee.
Contact us to find out how you can help paint Stony Brook University #SBUtiful.
See completed projects Be involved
Join us by volunteering your time during an upcoming beautification project!
Watch this space for exciting opportunities to take part in future Campus Beautification Committee events.