2010 Conference Acknowledgments
Conference Co-Chairpersons
Richard Kessel
President and Chief Executive Officer New York Power Authority (NYPA)
Francis J. Murray, Jr.
President and CEO
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
Bob Gilligan
Vice President Digital Energy, GE Energy
Robert B. Catell
Advanced Energy Center (aertc.org)
New York State Smart Grid Consortium
Dr. Yacov Shamash
Vice President for Economic Development and Dean,
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Stony Brook University
Scientific Advisory Committee
Dr. Ralph James
Nonproliferation & National Security (NNS) Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Dr. John T. Wen
Director, Center for Automation Technologies and Systems (CATS)
Professor, Dept. of Electrical, Computer, & Systems Eng. and Dept. of Mechanical,
Aerospace, & Nuclear Eng. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Marjaneh Issapour
Professor, Department of Electrical/Computer Engineering Technology
Director of INSTEP (Cisco Networking Academy) Farmingdale State College
Dr. Devinder Mahajan
Sustainable Energy Technologies Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University
Dr. Miriam Rafailovich
Materials Science & Engineering Department Stony Brook University
Dr. Mohammed Safiuddin
Research Professor, Advanced Technology Applications,
Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo
Program Committee
Ric C. Trotta
President Trotta Associates, Inc.
Diane R. Blankenhorn
Manager of RD&D
National Grid
Lisa Broughton
Bio/High Technology Development Specialist, Suffolk County Department of Economic
Development and Workforce Housing
Jerry Burstein
New York City Transit Authority
Dr. Clive Clayton
Materials Science & Engineering Stony Brook University
David J. Cordts
Chief Operating Officer GeoEnergy Enterprises, LLC
Sponsorship Committee
David Winchester
President, CleanTech Rocks
Organizing Committee
Kathleen Ferrell
Director of Special Programs for the
Office of the Vice President Economic Development
Jane E. Yahil, PhD.
Senior Coordinator for Economic Development
Jack Kramer
Advanced Energy Center
Bruce Newman
Principal, Pipeline LLC
President Brookhaven Small Business Advisory Council
Derek O'Connor
Materials Coordinator
Adam Ortiz
Coordinator for Economic Development
Charles MacLeod
SMM Advertising
Ron Van Cleef
Stony Brook University
Jim Smith
Assistant Vice President,
Economic Development Stony Brook University