Learn About Majors
Choosing an academic major can be a difficult decision for many students. The questions that are commonly asked are:
- What do I want to do?
- What will I gain from this major?
- Am I doing what is right for me?
- I am interested in a lot of things, what do I do?
This section of the website is designed to help you to begin to think about choosing a major in a more organized and systemic way. Selecting a major is a process that involves your active participation with the goal to find the "best fit" major that supports your academic interest.
Majors to Consider
Check out these majors if you have an interest in science-based majors other than Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
Ecosystems and Human Impact
Environmental Desgin, Policy and Planning
Environmental Humanities
Or, if you are interested in a major that offers an interdisiciplinary curriculum.
Africana Studies
Globlization Studies and International Relations
Multidisciplinary Studies
Women's and Gender Studies
STEP 1Go to the Major & Career Decision Guide on the Career Center website.
STEP 2Review the information how majors and careers are related. For the the top two majors that you interest you the most, read the Program Overview to gather more information, here.
STEP 3Now that you may have either decided which academic major to declare or you closer
to making that final decision, check