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"To be able to manage yourself, you finally have to ask, what are my values?"  

                                                                                                                   -Peter Drucker, Harvard Business Review, 2005.




Selecting a major can be a challenge for many students. Many students approach selecting a major with caution and may select a major that has been chosen for them by family a member and some students select a major based on peer pressure.  It is important that you select an academic major that will support your academic interest and, perhaps, your future endeavors.

Selecting a major should be based on knowing one's self.  All students want to be academically successful.  However,finding the right major can be so overwhelming that some students may leave choosing a major to fate. 



Meet with an academic advisor or career counselor to discuss the following:  

  • What really interests you?
  • What are your long term goals?
  • What are your short term  goals?
  • Which classes have you enjoyed and are more most engaged in?
  • Do you like math and  science-based courses?
  • Would you prefer to know  more about society and culture at large?


Assessment  Inventory


On the Career Center website, under Explore Majors & Career, you will find a section called Assess Yourself.  This self-assessment tool will provide a more informed understanding of your values, interests, skills and personality.        Assess Yourself Inventory 


Continue your journey...

Self Assessment

It is important that you select an academic major that will support your academic interest and, perhaps, your future endeavors.Learn More(Self Assessment)

Learn About Majors

Begin to think about choosing a major in a more organized and systemic way.View Site(Learn About Majors)

Declare a Major

Students are required to declare a major upon earning 45 creditsLearn More(Declare a Major)

Campus Resources

These resources are crucial to fostering positive progress towards graduationLearn More(Campus Resources)