"To be able to manage yourself, you finally have to ask, what are my values?"
-Peter Drucker, Harvard Business Review, 2005.
Selecting a major can be a challenge for many students. Many students approach selecting a major with caution and may select a major that has been chosen for them by family a member and some students select a major based on peer pressure. It is important that you select an academic major that will support your academic interest and, perhaps, your future endeavors.
Selecting a major should be based on knowing one's self. All students want to be
academically successful. However,finding the right major can be so overwhelming that
some students may leave choosing a major to fate.
Meet with an academic advisor or career counselor to discuss the following:
- What really interests you?
- What are your long term goals?
- What are your short term goals?
- Which classes have you enjoyed and are more most engaged in?
- Do you like math and science-based courses?
- Would you prefer to know more about society and culture at large?
Assessment Inventory
On the Career Center website, under Explore Majors & Career, you will find a section called Assess Yourself. This self-assessment tool will provide a more informed understanding of your values, interests, skills and personality. Assess Yourself Inventory