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About Giving:

Opportunities to Make a Difference
@ the Department of Medicine

At Stony Brook’s Department of Medicine, every gift matters. Regardless of the amount, each and every gift is important to the future of the Department's critical mission to provide exemplary clinical care, advance the nature of this care through research, and train the next generation of outstanding caregivers.

The Department of Medicine encompasses many outstanding divisions, including: Cardiology; Endocrinology & Metabolism; Gastroenterology & Hepatology; General, Geriatric & Hospital Medicine; Hematology & Oncology; Infectious Diseases; Nephrology & Hypertension; Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine; and Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology. We provide  care for heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, IBD, lupus, Lyme disease, coronavirus, Yao syndrome, and more.

Philanthropy is critical to our success. Your investments enable us to recruit and retain the greatest minds for our faculty, acquire state-of-the-art technology for discovery, and create new knowledge to propel healthcare advances forward.


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Patient Care
Honor Your Caregivers
Clinical Trials
How to Give
Give Now
Double Your Impact With Your Company's Matching Gift
Gifts of Stock
Planned Gifts
Endowed Gifts


Contact Information:
Stony Brook Medicine Advancement Office

Office: (631) 444-2945