Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
KSW: Swahili
KSW 111: Beginning Kiswahili I
This course is a foundational part of Africana studies humanities. Language is the principal carrier of cultures and therefore of humanities. It is an introduction into one of the most important African languages - Kiswahili - an introduction into the basics of the language, but also of the culture it carries. As a language spoken in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, RDC, and in many other African countries, it is a means of communication that can easily be used across boundaries. Its study is a window into major aspects of African cultures.
3 credits
KSW 112: Beginning Kiswahili II
This course is the second introductory part to the Africana studies humanities. Language is the principal carrier of cultures and therefore of humanities. As the second part of Beginning Kiswahili, it is an introduction into one of the most important African languages - Kiswahili -, an introduction into the basics of the language, but also of the culture it carries. Swahili is a language spoken in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, RDC, and in many other African countries. It is therefore a language of communication that can easily be used across boundaries. Its study is a window into major aspects of African cultures.
Prerequisite: C or better in KSW 111 or placement into KSW 112
3 credits