Publications in journals
Harbans S. Dhadwal, “Homodyne fiber optic backscatter probe,” Optics Letters, vol. 32, No. 23, 3391-3394 (Dec1 2007)
Harbans S. Dhadwal, Bhaskar Mukherejee, Paul Kemp, Josephine Aller, , Yuan Liu and JoAnn Radway, A A dual detector capillary waveguide biosensor for detection and quantification of hybridized targets,” Analytica Chemica Acta, vol. 598, 147-154 (2007)
Harbans S. Dhadwal, Paul Kemp, Josephine Aller, M.M. Dantzler, AA capillary waveguide nucleic acid sensor,@ Analytica Chemica Acta, vol 501, Issue 12, 205-217 (2004)
Harbans S. Dhadwal and John Wittpenn, AIn vivo dynamic light scattering characterization of a human lens: cataract index,@ Current Eye Research, vol. 20, No. 6, pp.502-510 (2000)
Harbans S. Dhadwal, and Anatole P. Kurkov, "Dual laser probe tip clearance system for turbomachinary," J. Turbomachinery, vol. 121, No. 3, pp.481-485 (1999)
Mark A. Quesada, Harbans S. Dhadwal, Davis Fisk, and F. William Studier, AMulti-capillary optical waveguide system for DNA sequencing,@ Electrophoresis, vol. 19, 1415-1427 (1998)
Shuiqin Zhou, B. Chu, And Harbans S. Dhadwal, AHigh pressure fiber optic laser light scattering spectrometer,@ Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 69, No. 5, pp.1955-1960 (1998)
- Harbans S. Dhadwal, Kwang Suh and Douglas A. Ross "A direct method of particle sizing based on the statistical processing of scattered photons from particles executing Brownian motion," Applied Physics B, 67, 575-581 (1996)
- Harbans S. Dhadwal, Ali Mehmud , Anatole P. Kurkov and Romel Khan, "A fiber optic sensor for static deflection monitoring in turbomachinery," Review of Scientific Instruments, 67, pp546-552, (1996)
- Romel R. Khan and Harbans S. Dhadwal, "Wavefront processing through integrated fiber optics," Optics Letters , vol. 19, No. 22, pp.1834-1836 (1994)
- Harbans S. Dhadwal, Kwang Suh, and Romel R. Khan, "Compact backscatter fiber optic systems for submicroscopic particle sizing," Particulate Science and Technology:An International Journal, vol.12, No. 2, pp139-148 (1994)
- Romel R. Khan, Harbans S. Dhadwal and Kwang I. Suh, "Design and characterization of integrated coherent fiber optic imaging probes," Applied Optics vol. 33, pp5875-5881 (1994)
- Eric Noel, Romel R. Khan and Harbans S. Dhadwal, "Optical implementation of a regularized Gerchberg iterative algorithm for super-resolution", Optical Engineering, vol. 32, pp2866-2871 (1993)
- B. Chu, Q. Ying and H.S.Dhadwal, "A fiber-optic light scattering spectrometer for dark colored solutions of macromolecules", Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 64, 1659-1660 (1993)
- Harbans S. Dhadwal, Romel Khan, and Kwang Suh, "An integrated coherent fiber receiver for dynamic light scattering", Applied Optics: Special Issue on Photon Correlation and Scattering, vol. 32, 3901-3904 (1993)
- Rafat R. Ansari, Harbans S. Dhadwal, Michael Cheung, and William N. Meyer, "Microemulsion characterization using a fiber optic probe", Applied Optics: Special Issue on Photon Correlation and Scattering, vol. 32, 3822-3827 (1993)
Harbans S. Dhadwal, Rafat R. Ansari and Michael A. Dellavecchia, "A Coherent Fiber Optic Sensor For Early Detection of Cataractogenesis in a Human Eye Lens", Optical Engineering:special issue on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 32, pp.223-238 (1993)
[Also published in Selcetd papers in Tissue Optics: Application in Medical Diagnostic and Therapy, SPIE Milestone Series Vol. MS102 (1994)]
- Harbans S. Dhadwal, Rafat R. Ansari and William V. Meyer, ``A fiber optic probe for particle sizing in concentrated systems," Review of Scientific Instruments, 63, 2963 (1991)
- D.A.Ross, and H.S.Dhadwal,``Regularized Inversion of the Laplace Transform: Accuracy of Analytical and Discrete Inversion", Particle and Particle System Characterization, 8, 282-286 (1991)
- H.S.Dhadwal and J.Hantgan,``Generalized point spread function for an aberration‑free diffraction‑limited optical system under polychromatic illumination", Optical Engineering,28, 1237‑1290 (1990)
H.S.Dhadwal, C.Wu and B. Chu,``Fiber Optic Detector Probes For Laser Light Scattering", Applied Optics,28, 4199‑4205 (1989) - H.S.Dhadwal and B.Chu,``A Fiber Optic Laser Light Scattering Spectrometer", Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 60, pp.845‑853 [ also published in SPIE Milestone Series. Vol. MS 12, "Selected Papers on Laser Light Scattering by Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Fluid Systems,"edited by B.Chu (1990)
- H.S.Dhadwal,``Regularized Inversion of Correlation Functions in Dynamic Light Scattering",Particle Characterization, vol. 6, pp.28‑33 (1989)
- B.Chu, R.Xu, T.Maeda and H.S.Dhadwal,``Prism Laser Light‑Scattering Spectrometer", Review Scientific Instruments, vol. 59 (5), pp. 716‑724 (1989)
- H.S.Dhadwal, B.Chu and R. Xu,``A Time of Arrival Photo‑electron Correlator", Review Scientific Instruments, vol. 58, pp. 1445‑9 (1989)
- H.S.Dhadwal, B.Chu, Z.Wang, M.Kocka and M. Blumerich,``A Precision Capillary Viscometer",Review Scientific Instruments, vol. 58, pp.1494‑8(1989)
- H.S.Dhadwal and B.Chu,``Fiber Optics in Laser Light Scattering Spectroscopy",J. Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 115, pp.561‑563 (1987)
- B.Chu, Q.Ying, C.Wu, J.Ford, and H.S.Dhadwal,``Characterization of Poly(1,4‑Phanyleneterephthalamide) in concentrated sulphuric acid. II. Determination of Molecular Weight Distribution", Polymers, vol. 26, pp.1408 (1985)
- B.Chu, Q.Ying, C.Wu, J.Ford, H.S.Dhadwal, R‑Y. Qian, J‑S. Bao, J‑Y. Zhang and C‑C.Xu,``Laser Light Scattering Characterization of Rod Like Polymers in Corrosive Solvents: Kevlar in Concentrated Sulphuric Acid", Polymer Communications, vol. 25, pp.211‑213 (1984)
- J.B.Abbiss, M.DeFrise, C.DeMol and H.S.Dhadwal,``Regularized Iterative and Non‑Iterative Procedures for Object Restoration in the Presence of Noise: an Error Analysis", J. Optical Society of America, vol. 73, no. 11, pp.1470‑1475 (1983)
- J.B.Abbiss, C.DeMol and H.S.Dhadwal,``Regularized Iterative and Non‑Iterative Procedures for Object Restoration From Experimental Data", Optica Acta, vol. 30, no. 1, pp.107‑124 (1983)
- D.A.Ross, H.S.Dhadwal and J.A.Foulkes,``Laser Measurement of the Motility of Bull Spermatozoa in an Egg Yolk Diluent", J. Reproduction and Fertility, vol. 67, pp. 263‑268 (1983)
- H.S.Dhadwal and D.A.Ross,``Size and Concentration of Particles in Syton Using the Fibre Optic Doppler Anemometer, FODA, J. Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 76,no. 3, pp.478‑489 (1980)
- D.A.Ross, H.S.Dhadwal and R.B.Dyott,``The Determination of the Mean and Standard Deviation of the Size Distribution of a Colloidal Suspension of Particles Using the Fibre Optic Doppler Anemometer, FODA", J. Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 64,no. 3, pp.533‑542 (1978)