Message from the Chair
Welcome to the Stony Brook Chemistry Department!
The mission of the Stony Brook Chemistry Department is to support a community of scholars.
These scholars build and use their fundamental understanding of molecular structure
to innovatively solve problems in order to improve the human condition globally. Undergraduate
students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers all work closely with faculty
to innovate and educate in the acquisition and application of chemical knowledge.
Stony Brook Chemistry partners with local and global communities in our research and
education enterprise.
We are ranked in the top quartile of Chemistry Graduate Programs according to the 2005 National Research Council assessment of research programs. Over the past decade, external funding in our Department has grown faster than in the chemistry departments of most other public universities. We now rank among the top 30 institutions in total research & development support in chemistry according to the National Science Foundation.
In addition to our strengths in the traditional sub-fields of chemistry, Stony Brook Chemistry has a long history of conducting research at the interface of chemistry and other disciplines. This tradition was established by Professor Paul Lauterbur, Nobel Laureate in Medicine & Physiology, 2003, who made his pioneering discoveries in Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Stony Brook Chemistry Department in the 1970's by combining principles of biology, chemistry and physics. Today, our department is especially active in research at the interface of chemistry with the fields of biology, medicine, and materials science. The department is home to two research institutes, which serve as hubs for interdisciplinary research - the Institute of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery ( ICB&DD) directed by Distinguished Professor Iwao Ojima, and the Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties ( m2m) directed by Distinguished Professor Esther Takeuchi. The Department is also the home department to many members of the Laufer Center for Physical and Quantitative Biology ( LCPQB) including the Director, Distinguished Professor Ken Dill and the Center for Advanced Technology in Integrated Electric Energy Systems ( CIEES).
We are home to an NIH-funded Chemical Biology Training Program ( CBTP) in which students can choose from approximately 25 research mentors who are members of either the Chemistry, Pharmacological Sciences, Biochemistry & Structural Biology or Molecular Genetics & Microbiology graduate programs. Many students choose to pursue research training in faculty laboratories housed at nearby Brookhaven National Laboratory, a federally-funded, 5,265-acre research laboratory offering state-of-the art facilities for nanoscience, chemistry, and energy including the soon to be opened NSLS II. Chemistry faculty serve as mentors in Stony Brook’s NIH-funded Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Training Program ( IRACDA) for postdoctoral scholars who wish to become academic researchers and teachers.
With a world-class faculty, a community of students with diverse interests, and state-of-the-art facilities, Stony Brook is an ideal place for developing a rewarding career in modern chemistry! We are confident that you will find Stony Brook a stimulating place to work and study. Please explore our web site and contact us for further information.
Nancy S. Goroff
Professor and Chair